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Notice that some slides have been corrected after class.

What you should have learned after completing chapter 4.2:

  • The semantics of recursive procedures can be formalized in turns of higher-order fixed points.
  • We reason modularly about procedure calls, that is, we rely solely on the procedure contract without inspecting its implementation.
  • For partial correctness reasoning, this yields a simple approach: try to proof the specification for the procedure and use the contracts whenever we encounter a procedure call.
  • In contrast to loops, we cannot strengthen procedure contracts whenever we encounter a new client. It is thus very important to support framing: properties that are not affected by a call should be preserved.
  • Similarly to loops, we use variants to prove that a procedure terminates.
  • You should be able to automate modular reasoning about procedures and termination proofs with variants by encoding these concepts into PL0.