
Classes are over. A brief summary is available here.

Exams will take place on 6/12/2022 and 7/12/2022. Please check your individual repositories for more information.

There will be a time slot for questions on 1/12/2022 from 13:00 - 17:00.


  • 1/11. Added missing slides and examples.
  • 24/11. Added slides and code examples for chapter 11 and course wrap-up.
  • 15/11. Added slides and code examples for chapter 10.
  • 14/11. Added finalized slides for chapter 9; fixed a few typos.
  • 04/11. Added finalized slides and code examples for chapter 8 and material for chapter 9.
  • 02/11. Added description of the second project.
  • 02/11. Added slides and code examples for chapter 8.
  • 28/10. Added finalized slides and code examples for chapter 7.
  • 26/10. Added slides and code examples for chapter 7.
  • 12/10. Added slides and code examples for chapter 6.
  • 10/10. Added slides and code examples with solutions for chapter 4.2 and chapter 5. I also fixed a few errors that made it into the slides. The most significant one affects variants for procedures. Thanks to Emil, Christopher, and Yuchen for asking pointed questions that uncovered these issues!
  • 05/10. Added slides and code examples for chapter 4.2 and chapter 5.
  • 03/10. Added hint to homework of chapter 4.1
  • 30/09. Added slides and code examples with solutions for chapter 4.1
  • 28/09. Added slides, code examples, and homework for chapter 4
  • 24/09. Fixed broken link to the slides. Thanks Christopher.
  • 22/09. Added reading material, homework solutions, and skeletons for the first project.
  • 21/09. Added description of the first project. Notice that the updated project deadline is October 27, 23:59. It was chosen such that you do not end up working on multiple projects simultaneously.
  • 21/09. Added final slides for chapter 2 with some corrections and comments based on feedback. In particular, equality is now always available as an interpreted symbol. It is not part of the signature anymore.
  • 14/09. The slides and code examples for the next class are online now; we will first finish the (updated) material from last lecture. Moreover, fixed a typo in one of the homework tasks (thanks Roberto!).
  • 10/09. Added a more detailed description of the reading material on FOL.
  • 09/09. The next homework and the material covered in class on 08/09 is now online.
  • 07/09. The slides and code examples for the next class are now online.
  • 05/09. Corrected dates on this page.
  • 03/09. Added more detailed explanations of Floyd-Hoare triples and weakest preconditions, and strongest postconditions, since we were a bit too fast during the lecture.
  • 03/09. Corrected a few typos in the formalization. Thanks to Roberto, Oliver, and Oskar for reporting those.
  • 01/09. The full material for lecture 1 and the preliminary material for lecture 2 is online.
  • 29/08. The course page is online.