Christoph Matheja

I'm a professor at the University of Oldenburg in Germany, where I lead the Theory of Correct Systems group. I am also an associate professor in the section of Software Systems Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark.

My research areas are formal methods and verification, particularly for probabilistic and heap-manipulating systems. My mission is to apply rigorous and beautiful mathematics to develop methods and tools that contribute to increasing our confidence into the correctness and trustworthiness of software systems. In particular, I have worked on quantitative verification, reasoning techniques for probabilistic programs, separation logic, model-checking, probabilistic programming, Rust verification, and static analyses using graph grammars.

Before joining Oldenburg University and DTU Compute, I was as a postdoctoral researcher in the Programming Methodology Group headed by Peter Müller at ETH Zürich. Before that, I was a Ph.D. student in the Software Modeling and Verification Group at RWTH Aachen University under the supervision of Joost-Pieter Katoen.

Christoph Matheja


christoph (dot) matheja (at) uol (dot) de
Office A03 202-a, Uhlhornsweg 84, 26129 Oldenburg, Germany


See DBLP or Google scholar.


I'll serve on the PC for ESOP 2026.
I'll serve on the PC for LICS 2026.
I'll serve on the PC for CAV 2026.
The paper „LogPPL: A Tool for Probabilistic Process Mining” by Martin Kuhn, Joscha Grüger, Christoph Matheja and Andrey Rivkin has been accepted at ICPM 2024.
Our paper „A Game-Based Semantics for the Probabilistic Intermediate Verification Language HeyVL” has been accepted at AISoLA and will be presented in the track „Verification and Learning for Assured Autonomy”.
I'm looking for a PhD student, see
I have a new position at the University of Oldenburg.